Dance Sophisticates
Bustier Bodice Dresses
Bustier Bodice Dresses
#SC180 - Orange Dress - $258
#SC180SL - Single Layer Fringe
Hologram Showtime Sequin bustier bodice with lycra trim accents. Two rows of double layer dangle sequin fringe and chainette fringe over metallic lycra skirt. Rhinestone accents sold separately.
*Opting for single layer fringe will reduce price by $60
#SC180DL - Pink Dress - $258
#SC180SL - Single Layer Fringe
Micro Sequin over Digital metallic lycra bustier bodice with Digital metallic lycra trim accents. Two rows of double-layer dangle sequin fringe and chainette fringe over Digital metallic lycra underskirt.
*Opting for single layer fringe will reduce price by $60

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Sizing is determined by the group's measurements. The measuring guide and sizing worksheet can be found below. Minimum order of 25 per color and design. Custom submitted art must meet certain specifications. Contact your DS Representative for details.